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snippet: Geographic proximity to retail and public services are increasingly being used by researchers and commercial vendors to rate neighborhood environments. The...
summary: Geographic proximity to retail and public services are increasingly being used by researchers and commercial vendors to rate neighborhood environments. The...
extent: [[-122.697331825697,38.0749244604592],[-121.741219526926,38.8781356353053]]
accessInformation: Methodology was adapted from California Department of Public Health's Heathy Community Data and Indicators Project manual. Establishments were obtained from Yelp and Yellow Pages searches and verified through local listings and records, conducted in 2018. The epidemiology team made modifications to be relevant to Napa County and more easily communicate the composite index.
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: The Neighborhood Completeness Index for Napa County is a percentage of categories of available establishments for each residential census block. Parcel level data was used to determine census block designation. There are a total of 20 categories of establishments: banks, barber/salons, sporting goods, dry cleaners, restaurants, gyms, hardware stores, laundromats, pharmacies, grocery stores, arts & culture, churches, post offices, schools, medical facilities, accessible parks, libraries, recreation centers, civic spaces, and transit stops. Census blocks were marked for each category they had at least one establishment within 0.5 miles of their geographical center. Possible scores range from 0% to 100% with higher percentages representing more “completeness.” Scores of census blocks in Napa County ranged from 0% to 95% with a mean of about 38% and median of 35%.
title: HHS_NCIMap
type: Map Service
tags: ["Outdoor Spaces & Buildings","Transportation","Housing","Civic Participation & Employment","Neighborhood","Health","Napa County"]
culture: en-US
name: HHS_NCIMap
guid: 162C3267-EC6F-4295-AD30-D051FF6647E9
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_California_II_FIPS_0402_Feet